5 Common Misconceptions About Background Screening

5 Common Misconceptions About Background Screening

Employee background checks are becoming as critical to human resource departments as the job application, resume, and interview process. Although background screening solutions are a pivotal aspect of the hiring process, the process is dotted with many misconceptions.

These misconceptions are often a result of  misunderstanding the process, nature, and laws surrounding background screening solutions. Here are the top misconceptions you should avoid when conducting an employee background check:

misconceptions-about background screeningMYTH#1: A Criminal Record Automatically Means No Hire

Both employers and job seekers tend to believe this myth. Many job seekers feel that a criminal history makes them ineligible for a job while recruiters believe that if a potential candidate has a criminal history they should not be hired. For instance, an applicant with a DUI might be denied a job for the school bus driver, but it cannot be the grounds for disqualifying the prospective employee for the post of a librarian.

Various factors need to be taken into consideration which include, the type of crime, the length of time passed since the crime was committed, and how the crime relates to the job.

MYTH #2: All Background Checks are the Same

This misconception is often presented by service providers providing cheap services. Their goal is to convince employers that their services are as good as the expensive ones, but this is not true. There are several different types of employee background checks including employment verification, sex offender check, education verification, and identity verification. Having a knowledgeable company to help you choose the right tenant screening package can reduce you legal risk and cost. More importantly, companies with access to better databases can provide you with more accurate results and a shorter turnaround time.  

When choosing background screening solutions, ensure that the process includes what is important for your firm and your needs.

MYTH #3: Employers Use Background Screening as a Reason Not to Hire You

Prospective employees sometimes believe that background checks are conducted as a means to eliminate them. Contrary to this, a background check is the final stage of the hiring process when a future employer has almost certainly made their choice and are waiting for a final check before making the hiring decision. It is merely a precaution before moving forward. 

MYTH #4: Only Large Companies Need to Screen Candidates

A background check is designed to help employers make confident and safe hiring decisions. Many small companies believe that these are only necessary for larger companies, but the truth is that smaller companies are more at risk. The cost of a single bad hire can cost in the neighborhood of $20,000, which is a huge cost for any company, especially the smaller ones. The relatively small fee of background check can save many thousands of dollars and months or years of valuable time.

MYTH #5: Background Checks are Solely Looking for Criminal History

When applicants consent for a pre-employment screening, they simply equate this with the criminal background check. However, a complete background screening solution is this and so much more. A background check can also includes checking credit history, civil law suits, substance abuse history, verifying education and licensing credentials, and a variety of other reports.

In a nutshell, these are the five most common employee background check misconceptions. It is crucial that job seekers and employers seek factual information about background screening solutions.

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